How Do I Contact My Representative?
Find Your Legislator:
Who Represents Me?
The Maryland General Assembly hosts a “Find My Representatives” interactive map, with options to view the Legislative or Congressional maps.
They also allow you to use their “Lookup” function via your home address.
View the State Senate membership, which is sortable by legislator name, or the district or county they represent.
View the State House membership, which is sortable by legislator name, or the district or county they represent.
Each legislator has their own contact page, a biography, and an individual legislator tracker kept up-to-date by the Maryland General Assembly. Their contact page will list their party affiliation and committee assignment(s) in addition to their contact information.
How Do I Contact Them?
Each legislator’s MGA contact page will list their MGA email, which is always in the format of firstname.lastname@house.state.md.us. Legislators often also include a link to subscribe to their newsletter, if you would like to receive regular email updates from them.
Each legislator’s MGA contact page will list multiple phone numbers:
Their Annapolis phone number, which will include a toll-free option.
Their Interim phone number, which is typically the location of their office in their home district. This may or may not be the same number as their Annapolis number.
TTY is also available.
(Baltimore-Metro) 410.841.3814
(Washington-Metro) 301.858.3814
Each legislator’s MGA contact page will list multiple addresses:
Their Annapolis address
Their Interim address, which is typically the location of their office in their home district.
The Maryland Association of Counties recommends formatting mailing envelope addresses in this format:
The Honorable [First name] [Last name],
[Room Number], [Office Building]
[Street address]
Annapolis, Maryland 21401-1991