Trans Maryland Document Assistance Network
Free legal info for trans communities
The Trans Maryland Document Assistance Network provides information about updating important documents for transgender Marylanders so you can represent yourself through legal processes.
What’s going on here?
The Trans Maryland Document Assistance Network was founded in early November, 2024 by organizers from Trans Maryland in partnership with community leaders. We are attorneys, advocates, community organizers, medical providers, and mental health providers who care deeply about the needs of trans people and their families.
Since its formation, this group has grown exponentially and organically into a rich Network of transgender and gender-expansive providers and our allies.
Throughout December 2024 and January 2025, the Network will offer a series of community-run support clinics to support the legal needs of transgender and gender non-conforming people.
These clinics will include name change and other key document services including second-parent adoption, power of attorney, advance directives and living wills. Some clinics will also include healing and body work, passport application assistance, and immigration assistance.
Our Network provides help with…
Name and Gender Changes
For many transgender people, getting a name and/or gender change is the first step in getting other important and affirming documentation.
Second Parent Adoptions
A Court process that allows for a non-carrying partner to adopt a child. This process can be used for children conceived through reproductive technology as well as step or bonus children. Second parent adoption provides an extra layer of legal protection and security for families with trans and gender non-conforming parents.
Power of Attorney
Power of attorney planning allows transgender and gender non-conforming people to decide who can make legal and healthcare decisions for them. This can be especially helpful for people with estranged or difficult relationships with their family of origin (who they grew up with), as next-of-kin (often parents or siblings) are generally the default decision-makers in times of emergency.
Power of Attorney - a document that gives someone legal authority to act for another person. It allows you to assign a person to manage your affairs if you are unable to do so.
Healthcare Power of Attorney and Living Will (Advanced Directive) - A Health Care Power of Attorney allows you to appoint the person of your choice to make your medical decisions if you are unable to do so.
The "Living Will" portion of the Advance Directive is a written statement by you of what medical care you want in the future. Your doctor(s) and others may use it when you are unable to say what you want. A Living Will is a good way to let your doctors and family know what you want your healthcare decisions to be if you cannot tell them.
Immigration Support
Immigration lawyers will be available to discuss individual situations and needs and offer resources and support. More information to come ahead of our upcoming clinic on December 22.