THMD and DCATS featured in Washington Post

A March 17th Washington Post article on healthcare access for trans folks in our region featured Jamison Crowell from the DC Area Transmasculine Society (DCATS) and Lee Blinder from Trans Healthcare MD

Lee spoke on THMD’s efforts to expand access to competent, affirming care, which include advocating for expansion of services at Planned Parenthood to cover hormone replacement therapy. They also discussed the need for current and future providers to adopt an informed consent model, which removes the need to seek a letter or letters of approval from medical providers before starting HRT.

“People can get stuck in the system for a long time,” Blinder said. “Many people don’t end up getting a letter at all. The provider will make up excuses as to why they’re not ready.”

We’re excited to see awareness of our communities’ needs increase and look forward to more coverage of this crucial topic in the future.