name change


Name Change Waiver of Publication Bill - Maryland House Committee Hearing on Friday 2/26/21 at 10am.

What Does This Bill Do?

Under current law, when filing for a legal name change in Maryland, an individual is required to pay to publish a notice of name change in their local newspaper. A motion can be filed to waive the publication requirement, and could be granted by a judge. Publication adds weeks, sometimes months, to the process and can cost up to an additional $250. Publication is also a violation of a person's privacy. The publication can linger on the Internet indefinitely and have adverse results. Some have resulted in workplace discrimination and even violence, in the cases of trans people and survivors of stalking or domestic violence. Motions to waive the the publication requirement are not granted in several counties in the state. Currently, a judge may deny any motion and require publication.

SB 581, however, would modernize the process, and require courts to waive the publication requirement when requested by the petitioner, thereby protecting the privacy of those changing their names. As a result, this will make the name change process quicker and more affordable. This will reduce one of the barriers trans people and others face while trying to live our most authentic lives.

Email or call your Senator to express your support for the bill today or tomorrow, ESPECIALLY if they are on the Judicial Proceedings Committee. If your Senator is NOT on the Judicial Proceedings Committee, you 1) can email the Chair Smith, Co-Chair Waldstreicher, and sponsor of SB0581 Senator Shelly Hettleman a letter of support or 2) can submit a letter of support or put in a brief phone call in support of the bill at any time. To find out who your Senator is, go here. If the "Lookup" function isn't enabled yet, click on the maroon button above the map, and enter in your address or an approximate one if you are without a permanent address.

NOTE: This bill does benefit the transgender community, but it also benefits trans and cis people who are domestic violence, stalking, and/or sexual assault survivors, minors who need a name change for ANY reason, adults who are estranged from the families that raised them, and ex-spouses who do not need/want their spouse to learn their new name through publication. It does not effect any legal or criminal code already in place.

Thank you to Ezra Towne for providing the links to the legislators and typing up this content.